Klos Energy Consulting, LLC
Web-enabled Custom Trail Systems

Have you ever wanted to make your own trail on a map so you could share it with others? How about adding icons with links to information on local restaurants or other sites of interest?

Well, now you can make your own trail maps with Daniel's Web-enabled Custom Trail System. Anyone can try it out to see how it works by going here. Maybe you just want to make a trail map of your usual jogging route. We're sure there are many ways that it could be used that we haven't thought of yet. We encourage you to give it a try.

Organizations that have started using Daniel's Custom Trail System are listed on this page. Click on the project name to get more details on how they used it.
Version 1: http://www.nkmsnow.com/snow/snpublicview.php
Version 2 (In development): http://www.customtrails.com