Klos Energy Consulting, LLC
Mary's Publications

Daniel builds Web sites, while Mary writes papers and gives presentations. Here are links to the publicly-available papers, presentations and client reports that Mary has completed. They will give you a good idea of the type of work she does as well as the quality of her work.

Peer-reviewed Papers:

“Why Real-Time Pricing is Better than Other Dynamic Pricing Rates”, Association of Energy Services Professionals (AESP) National Conference, January 2013
Link: AESP Ntl 2013 Session 2 Klos Paper 2012-11-08.pdf
Link: AESP Ntl 2013 Session 2 Klos Presentation 2013-01-24.pdf

“Free Ridership: Arbitrary Algorithms vs. Consistent Calculations”, International Energy Program Evaluator's Conference (IEPEC), August 2008
Link: IEPEC 2009 Paper – FR Algorithms

“Communicating Thermostats for Residential Time-of-Use Rates: They Do Make a Difference”, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) Summer Study , August 2008 paper presentation
Paper Link: ACEEE2008 FINAL 637 – TOU-CPP 2008-05-16.pdf
Presentation Link: ACEEE2008 FINAL 637 – TOU-CPP 2008-08-07 ppt.pdf

“Switches vs. Stats: Who Wants What? A Comparison of Load Control Switches and Web-enabled Programmable Thermostats”, Association of Energy Services Professionals (AESP) Annual Conference, February 2007 paper presentation
Link: AESP 2007 Paper_Switches or Stats.pdf


“Creating Habits that Last with Real-Time Pricing”, Behavior, Energy and Climate Change (BECC) Conference, November 2012
Link: Klos RTP Habits BECC 2012 Session 5A 2012-11-08.pdf

“Using Social Nudges to Reduce Energy Demand: Evidence for the Long Term”, Behavior, Energy and Climate Change (BECC) Conference, November 2010
Link: BECC 2010 1E.pdf

“Residential Energy Demand in a Real Time Pricing Program”, Behavior, Energy and Climate Change (BECC) Conference, November 2010
Link: BECC 2010 RTP 5E.pdf

“Estimation of Price Effects from a Dynamic Pricing Program”, Midwest Independent System Operator (MISO) Smart Grid Collaborative Working Group, April 2010
Link: PSP Valuation Methods 2010-04-28.pdf

“A Regional Look at Residential DLC Impacts”, Association of Energy Services Professionals (AESP) Brown Bag Seminar, February 2008
Link: AESP Regional DLC Brown Bag.pdf

Publicly Available Client Reports:

“Ameren Illinois Utilities Power Smart Pricing Evaluation 2008-2010”, Navigant, April 2011, filed in Illinois Commerce Commission Case 06-0693
Link (Part 1): http://www.icc.illinois.gov/downloads/public/edocket/292827.pdf
Link (Part 2): http://www.icc.illinois.gov/downloads/public/edocket/292828.pdf
Link (Part 3): http://www.icc.illinois.gov/downloads/public/edocket/292829.pdf

“Commonwealth Edison Residential Real Time Pricing Evaluation 2007-2010”, Navigant, April 2011, filed in Illinois Commerce Commission Case 06-0617
Link (Part 1): http://www.icc.illinois.gov/downloads/public/edocket/296671.pdf
Link (Part 2): http://www.icc.illinois.gov/downloads/public/edocket/296673.pdf

“Impact Evaluation of OPower SMUD Pilot Study”, Summit Blue Consulting, September 2009
Link: http://opower.com/uploads/library/file/13/summit_blue_june_2009.pdf

“Final Report for the myPower Pricing Segments Evaluation”, Summit Blue Consulting, December 2007
Link: http://www.energetics.com/madri/toolbox/pdfs/pricing/mypower_pricing_final_report_2007.pdf

“Response Rewards – Program Measurement and Evaluation”, Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, December 2005.
Link: http://psc.wi.gov/apps35/ERF_search/content/SearchRef.aspx?docid=46002